Endosulfan,a chemical pesticide used in the cashew plantation made a disaster in Kasaragod, affected several families who have seen deaths, have shed tears for their children born with various deformities, many of whom did not grow up with age and remained burdensome dependant of their poor parents.
The images on this leaflet exhibits the few real facts resulted by the endosulfan disaster in Kasaragod a heartbreaking incident and deserves shower of donations from every individual which is onus of every one another.
Unless people make a determined to provide some solace to the affected people the families have somehow limping along the glimmer of hope that the authorities extend some assistance to them might get disheartened. We cannot turn a blind eye to their sufferings and genuine needs.
The Government’s intentions to have another study report prior to rehabilitate the victims of ENDOSULFAN diminish the expectation to fetch compensation.
Kasaragod Expatriates in Kuwait has decided to take initiation to form a group work and collect monies from good and generous people around and honestly use the same for the welfare of the affected which may include setting up of health facilities, financial assistance and other services to the needy. We believe in credentials of every one and we will contribute our mite without any questions asked.
Observing the pity life of our brothers and sisters who affected by the dangerous pesticide chemical ENDOSULFAN induced KEA to step forward to campaign and organize a team work of charity to provide relief and remedial measures to the victims at various levels as social, health and environmental.
A large area of about 4500 acres of cashew plantation in Kasaragod District were being sprayed by the highly toxic pesticide chemical ENDOSULFAN which caused great tragic human disaster impacting horrendous mutations and ailments in the poor villagers.
The Endosulfan disaster caused serious health problems like birth deformities, cancer, cerebral palsy, mental disorders, skin diseases, and vision loss and also many women were found infertile.
Endosulfan also blocks the inhibitory receptors of central nervous system, dizziness and vomiting, various kinds of skin and neurologic diseases etc..
Knowingly it is a great task to struggle against the case and get the victims in normal life we feel it is our obligation to put the max possible effort with cooperation of all the public and make start of task to fulfils the obligation in providing relieve to our brothers and sisters.
Voluntary organizations, Establishments and social workers presently are the care givers providing food, medicine and the acute need of daily life of the poor victims.
KEA requests the generosity of all to encourage the goodwill of our team in collecting financial assistance to reach the victims which will be a support of survive to them.
We will provide funding to the victims and the primary needs to improve their life through the donation from good heated public focusing to address hunger and food insecurity, treatment assistance.
We please to all with humanity consideration to do the utmost of your ability in the right direction to provide a back born support to the victims